Mike and Judy Cipriano have been married for over 28 years. They are practicing Catholics, attending St Lad's Parish in Westlake, Ohio
They are Marriage Encounter veterans and marriage conference groupies. They have attended marriage conferences at Church on the rise in Westlake.
They have read nearly one hundred books on marriage (from a christian perspective).
They have purchased many, many marriage conferences on cd and have watched so many semons on marriage that to count them would be fruitless.
Mike and Judy say " We do everything marriage,all the time,on T.V. in the car and every where we go."
Mike and Judy have dedicated their lives to biblical marriage restoration.

You to can have the marriage of your dreams.

Come join with us on this wonderful journey.

                                                                                    The Stay Married Team


A website dedicated to providing resources to married couples to help them stay married.
