Book: Marriage take more than love, written by Jack and Carol Mayhall
This is an older book, but the points Jack and Carol make are still relevant today.
Book: How we love by Milan and Kay Yerkovich
We bought this book at a marrieage conference this year. This book was easy to follow, and a good learining tool for us. It's focus is on love styles and how they effect your marriage. There are four different love styles that imprint how we love 1. The avoider 2. the pleaser 3. the vacillator 4. the chaotic( controller/victim)
Each imprint emanating from our childhood effects how we react to others including our spouses. You will learn how to create a richer connection, enhance sexual intimacy, and know more about your spouse acts the way they do.
Milan and Kay wrote this book our of their own experences, and from years of case study.
Book: What the bible says about love, marriage, and sex.
This book follows The Song of Songs or The Song of Solomon. In focusing on Solomon and his beloved wife Shulamith the author takes us threw there courtship and marriage. In doing so we see the underlying love they have for each other as well as the struggles they go threw.
The dialog between the two of them we a little hard to understand. People spoke different back then.
The book contains twelve chapters. Some include: the romantic husband, the wedding planner, How God thinks of sex, rekindling the fire. All of this leads up to the two becomming one in marriage, with the normal ups and downs.
Book: Boundries in Marriage
This is an excellent book. A website dedicated to providing resources to married couples to help them stay married. |